“I make fun the priority of the experience, because I believe we learn best when we’re having fun.”

Tommy Schwegmann

Master Tier Instructor
Specialties: Swing, Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing
Dances Taught: Swing, Lindy Hop, Blues, West Coast Swing, Country, Argentine Tango, Wedding

Tommy is a native Texan and was born and raised in San Antonio. Here at the studio, we describe him as a “never met a stranger” instructor. His vibrant personality shines in everything he does, including his teaching! In 2002, Tommy went to a Swing dance because of a girl he liked, and he’s been dancing ever since. He began teaching at Go Dance in 2006. Although he will say he began dancing with two left feet, his constant hard work, persistence, and practice make him the marvelous instructor and dancer that he is today. His initial challenges in learning dance have made him a very patient teacher who believes that with the right instruction, any person can experience the beauty of dance.

Tommy has a keen way of getting into the character of each dance, making the dance that much more fun. For him, dancing is not just about the steps, but connecting to the music and to his partner. He firmly believes that dance can brighten any mood, improve a person’s health, and strengthen anyone’s social skills. Tommy loves getting to know his students and uplifting them through dance. He breaks down material in such a delightful way that all of his students can’t help but leave his lessons smiling and feeling accomplished. With Tommy as your instructor, you can’t go wrong!

Certifications & Awards:

  • DVIDA Certifications:

    • Associate American Rhythm

    • Associate American Smooth